Exclusive Wealth Club FAQ's

If your question is not answered in our faq section below, please do not hesitate to contact us!


Do you have to be wealthy to join?

No! There are all types of people in the club, the club allows individuals the ability to travel for 50% of the cost of the same experience for a single couple.

Are the events all inclusive?

Yes. The members are only responsible for transportation to and from the event and personal purchases.

Is there an initiation fee?

Yes. The EWC VIP Membership fee is $100,000.00 and includes the {4} EWC all inclusive Luxury Events for two, if taken within the first 48 months of membership.

Can I bring children to Events?

No. The Events are for members and their guest if sharing a room. Members and guests must be 21 years of age to attend events.

Are there monthly Dues?

Yes. $125.00.

Is there a cost to join the Mansionhost Program side of the Club?

Yes. A $50 cost to be an associate member and $2,500 Standard Membership includes the Optional opportunity to be a Mansionhost Member. The Mansionhost Membership enables many benefits and is fully explained on the EWC Data Card.